Tuesday, July 26, 2005



So, over the weekend I killed 2 cockroaches, which is approximately 2 more than I have ever killed in my life-and I might add- 2 more than I had ever wanted to kill in my life. I had never seen a cockroach before, let alone kill one, until I came to Japan. And now, I have seen with my own eyes- 7. All at different times mind you, but still no less frightening. 4 of them I have seen in my classroom, but 3 at home.


Yes, that's right- in my home. This recent home sighting occurred during a pee. There I was, minding my own business, and out crawled a cockroach from under my sink. This was not a pleasant experience, nor a convenient time for this little guy to come out for a visit, and we'll just leave it at that.

I had never wanted to deal with this shit before and these little black bastards with their long feelers are taking away from my Japan experience. I should write the prime minister here or something, and let him know about this issue. Maybe I'm lucky that I'm from Oregon, and that their not really too common there- but it's not cool sharing my home with these little dudes. I'm just not used to them. Just the idea of one of these guys having free reign to roam around my house at night (and maybe crawl over me when I'm sleeping) is not cool.

I always feel bad about killing them, like maybe I will get karma or something(Maybe I should ask my Grandma about this??) And afterwards I always picture the dying cockroach sending out a signal to all his little buddies who live in my walls or behind my cupboards, to storm the house. Then I picture hundreds of cockroaches crawling across the floor, to takeover, and get revenge for their little buddy that I just killed. These are not healthy thoughts, I know, but I can't help it. In reality, I probably only have a few cockroaches that live in my walls. I am not really scared of snakes or spiders, but cockroaches freak me out. And I am sure that I'm getting some bad CK for killing them. I still think about that big spider in the bushes that I spray painted white, when I was like 10.

Oh, and just a little sidenote for ya- some of the bigger cockroaches here have wings. Meaning that they can fly. FLYING COCKROACHES! Maybe I led a sheltered life back in Oregon, but I never knew that there were cockroaches that could fly. Has anyone ever heard of this? Or is this only in Japan? Maybe this is a side effect of eating too much rice or something.


Blogger U.E. said...

Like you, I'm from the Pacific Northwest and, like you, I had never seen a cockroach... unitl I came to Kuwait! I also found one (yep, just one) in my apartment. I smooshed it without a shred of guilt. IT WAS IN MY HOUSE! Now, the downside... when you smoosh a cockroach they apparently release their eggs and you get even more. So quickly dispose of it and bleach the area I guess. I'm not sure. Better yet, scoop it up and throw it out the window. HA! Oh, and in Texas they have flying cockroaches. I was laying in the grass at Ft. Bliss a couple weeks ago and some guys kept warning me about the giant flying cockroaches. Ummm, yech!

5:39 AM  

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