Saturday, March 25, 2006

Failed Fish Mission

A few weeks ago Me, Christine and Emma took a little road trip up to Hagi to go to a festival. The whole point of us going was to eat Shirauo, which are tiny energetic little fish that you swallow whole (they are alive) from a cup of water with about 6 or so of them. It's suppposed to be an amazing experience, cause you can feel the fish moving in your throat, as you swallow them down in one shot. We spent an hour in the car getting all pumped up to eat these fish, but sadly when we got there they were all out for the day (this must have been a popular event?), so we couldn't do it!

Luckily, we found out about a Korean restaurant here in Onoda that has Shirauo, and you can order it right off the menu. So to make up for our previous failed fish mission(that's a tongue twister), last night Christine and I went there, again with the intention of having this amazing experience(we have to do shit like this in Onoda to keep ourselves amused), but we were let down! When we tried to order it, we were told that today they were all out of Shirauo, damnit! Looks like we'll have to go back and try again!

I will keep you updated on the status of this mission......


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