Wow, has it really been a month?
Crazy! As of tomorrow, I have been in Japan for a month, and it has flown by. I have been very busy- I work Tuesday through Saturday, with Sundays and Mondays off. All of my classes are going well, I teach little kids, older kids, and adults and I pretty much have full reign on what and how I want to teach- which is cool. My boss is like Charlie from Charlie's Angels- I rarely see him and he calls me randomly all of the time when he remembers something that he needs to tell me. The Japanese people here are amazing- they are all very interested in me and Americans in general. Everyone has been soo nice and welcoming. I have a couple of classes with little old ladies who bring tea and cookies to each class, which is cool. I teach everyone from doctors, businessmen, a scientist, teachers, and housewives. ( English classes are about $60 an hour!)
My cell phone is awesome! Their technology puts our cell phones to shame! The camera on it has a ton of special effects features and other stuff. You can send me an email directly to my cell- my address is: (email me if you want my address)
I promise I will write more soon!
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